Engaging with local businesses

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As part of our ongoing work to protect and restore the natural and built assets of Balloch Castle Country Park, we have developed a new survey that serves as the evolution of a community engagement exercise we undertook in 2022 … Read More

BCCPRG in the news

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A selection of clippings from local newspapers featuring Balloch Castle Country Park (BCCP) and members of the BCCP Regeneration Group. Click on the thumbnail images below to read the full articles.

Nature Restoration Plan 2023 Outline

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Earlier this week we submitted our new BCCP Outline Nature Restoration Plan 2023 (below) to the Riverwoods Investment Readiness Pioneers initiative for consideration Stage 2 funding of £125,000. We are very grateful to the Riverwoods Team and many other people … Read More

Balloch Castle Country Park Volunteer Programme

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Join the Countryside Ranger and carry out a range of practical conservation tasks and wildlife surveys. No experience required. Please bring a packed lunch, and dress for the weather Snacks and hot drinks provided. Booking essential – please email countryside.ranger@west-dunbarton-gov.uk … Read More

Riverwoods Pioneers – Stage 1 Success!

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We are delighted to announce that our initial proposal for the Riverwoods Pioneers project has passed to the second stage after a successful panel evaluation and public vote in which we received the second highest number of votes of any … Read More

Support our Riverwoods Pioneers Proposal

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Riverwoods is an initiative, launched in 2019 by the Scottish Wildlife Trust, to create a network of thriving riverbank woodlands and healthy river systems across the whole of Scotland. The Riverwoods Pioneers project in particular aims to identify Riverwoods projects … Read More


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We’re a group based in and around Balloch, Scotland and we’re passionate about ensuring that the popular Balloch Castle Country Park is an ecologically and socially regenerative space for everyone. With over two hundred acres of woodland, parkland, burns, beaches, … Read More